Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bicycle Ice Cream ( an explanation of the song "So Far Away" )

I've come to grips with the constant questioning that's been directed at me since I was a small boy: "What's it like having five sisters?"my answer eventually became this very simple and philosophical answer "I don't know what it's not like."
 I'll share with you one of the myriad things that makes having a gaggle of sisters such a fun and unique experience and I'll add that being a boy within that home made me by default a 'bull in a china shop'. 
There was one activity that I can remember with amazing vivid detail as if it was just 20 minutes ago that I was all of 5 years old and learning how to "make" ice cream with a bicycle. 
Step 1. 
Take a BMX style bike or the more girlie version with banana seat and handle bar streamers and flip it over so that it resets on it's handles and seat. 
Step 2. 
Address the bicycle by facing the pedal and crank with your favored arm towards the front wheel. 
Step 3. 
With your other hand firmly grasp the small stick (with bark: preferably Silver Maple)  that you have gathered up from the backyard.
Step 4. 
Begin vigorously cranking the pedal of the bike.
Step 5. 
Make contact between the rubber of the rear wheel and the stick almost as if dropping a needle onto an LP with precision, yet with force. 
Step 6. 
Turning the stick like a piece of corn being eaten row by row remove as much of the bark as desired. 
Step 7. 
Pass out "sticks" to all present and charge them 25 cents for each hand-dipped "cone"
Step 8. 
Repeat until you have enough change to chase down the italian ice truck

Bonus points:
Convince your younger siblings that if you lick it will taste like ice cream.