Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wolverine and afro-sheen

So about 3 months ago I went down to Richmond and visited my cousin's Alex and Ashley to celebrate one of their friends birthdays with a good ole fashioned backyard kegger. The entertainment for the evening was The Code Talkers, a favorite of mine and my cousins, anyway while I was helping them load their equipment out of their van the lead man Bobby Lee Rodgers said "hey Dave ya know who you look like Hugh Jackman." Within about 10 minutes he had spun the whole thing abound a few times and said wait a minute yeah that Hugh Jackman guy has been stealing your gigs man, you should take em back go out there and say that he's been diggin into your piece a pie. At that point in the summer I hadn't cut my hair in a while and my side burns were pretty big and I looked liked one of the characters that he has played called Wolverine from the X-Men.
The picture above is from my good friend Hilary who is now living over there in Germany and snapped this shot because it looks like, well you know. There is now proof that Hugh Jackman has been stealing my gigs because I had the part first!

Signing off,
The Wolve

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