Wednesday, June 13, 2007


The passage of time sometimes becomes merely an active distance between you and a negative event in the past. Imagine for a moment an anchor dropped on that date and time when said negative event occurred and the time that has past since then has been marked with a link in a chain fixed to that anchor the other end of course is affixed to your self. Now picture in the eye of your mind that every day is like the fold in an ever growing accordion of paper and the the anchor on the end of that chain that is attached to you is dragging every day that has passed you by towards you from behind, in the past. There you are pulling the weight of days along with the weight of the anchor and chain moving forward slowing ever so slightly day after day passes and adds to the "accordion anchor" tugging at your insides. I don't regret but I must get stronger if I want to continue to make life decisions that impact the future.
If you wondered why I have stopped running a business in carpentry its for this simple reason I don't want to loose a finger while pondering instead of concentrating on the task at hand such as operating a saw or router that could quickly and cleanly take off a limb or digit. Enriching my life and putting things in order are now the main goal not to mention also pondering the meaning of life. This blog is to be a sort of journal into my everyday study of the power of positive thinking and the manifestation of all things good

The Only Son

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