Thursday, June 21, 2007

What was I thinking.....

It's scary that the old saying "be careful what you wish for" really does happen especially in light of certain things I have been practicing; such as positive mental manifestation. A very simple concept that has been working out very nicely for me and this life of mine. Take for example finding a parking space in a busy downtown setting all I do is get a mental picture of my truck in a spot and boom I turn the corner and there one is and oddly it looks a lot like the one in my head. I realize that some would say well thats just a coincidence that there happened to be a parking space free and you just happened upon it.... ok that's fine with me but I still got the parking space. Then how about this for an example I needed a place to live for the summer so I think about it don't get stressed about it and just imagine a place somewhere in town that can house me and my stuff, what happens I run into a guy start a conversation about real estate and boom he has a two bed room apartment that he is willing to rent with no security deposit and cheap rent at that. Is it a particularly nice place... no but it works for the summer. Finally the next story happens that next weekend. My uncle John comes down to visit and in conversation says that I should be exercising more and what equipment do I have to do that with "an old bike" I say, so we talked about what fun it would be to have a kayak and a bike for him. The next day the widow next door gives me her husbands old guitar, a cannondale road bike and another guy that night gives me a kayak.
So I encourage you all to start thinking positive and imagine all or one of the things that you want either immediately or in the future and see what comes of it. I for one think that you will be happily surprised at what the outcome will be.

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