Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Journey begins.

Let's see where did we leave off? I believe that it was somewhere in the last few pages that we learned our heroes' tragic flaw; but of course our hero knows nothing of it. Let's tune in now as he takes on the challenge of his youth and talents in the battle for nothing more than quality.
It was about noon on that fateful Monday when he set out to travel a great distance in his Grand Caravan all things considered and properly stowed and lashed on his 158 horses powerfully blazing a trail from the high country in the east. Behind him the royal court of his Father's family gathered to comfort the ailing Matriarch of the clan, some had wished him well as they themselves made haste with sorrowful feet to meet up with their own destinies to the south. Winding through steep passes along wonderfully hilly orange foliage that played counterpoint to the clear blue sky he day-dreamed of times gone by when life was simple, marked by skinned knees and climbing trees surrounding the family's meager manor in the great valley of the collectors atop the filled in swamp. He once cut open the flesh of his scull with the blunt end of an ax while preparing the fields for plowing, those were different days.
Onward and upward the Grand Caravan made its tight way to the top of the plateau the land of Buffalo and the Seneca Nation where great halls for revelry and games are built. All the while the ever green forests growing thicker like a great green bib pulled up around the Great Lakes to protect those in the East from their wrathful snow. But just before he fell into The Lakes he directed the caravan south and diverted a disaster of dreadful proportions (who really wants to dry off 158 horses), and ended the first leg of his journey in and frightfully outdated town called Erie. The house of Bryan opened it's gates and stabled the safaring ones for the night. Much was made of this visit and tours of the great shoreline were ordered for the morning but not before ten dollars of 25cent beer was polished off by all.
As we leave the hero is laying back easy in a cabriolet touring the beautiful Southern coastline of the lake that shares the city's name; Erie. Remembering to thank the fine tavern folks at The Dockside for letting him regale them with a song on guitar the night before, to which they promptly asked if he could return that way and play a full night of entertainment to which he said yes. For a parting meal Bryan took him to a fine foreign restaurant and all by himself to his dismay later, ate 2 tamales, 2 enchiladas and many tortilla chips with hot sauce.

Tune in next time as our hero battles the great weight of the eyelid and the whiteline fever monster. dun dun dun.....


michael said...

Awesome. Great post dave. Keep em coming.

netta said...

"Meager manor in the great valley of the collectors" - incredible writing style my bro - you paint quite a picture. xx