Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Viva Las Smegma

Its official! Vegas Sucks. Well ok the first time I was there it was a lot of fun but then again this time I was all to my lonesome, but again I am way ahead of myself. So I left Colorado at noon and decided I wasn't gonna stop till the city that "set my soul on fire" was attained by yours truly. I had had some contact with peoples that inhabit that fair city but when I hit town it was late and decided I would fend for myself partly out of the curiosity that perhaps I would actually stumble upon someone needing help on the floor of a casino and they would thank me profusely then tip me with a 10,000$ chip, didn't happen. But again I am ahead of the story.
    Like I said it was a long stretch on the road and my eyes were a but tired, it was so dark when the sun set that I had a hard time seeing the edge of the road and at 75 miles an hour I was almost out-driving my headlights which was scary but did I slow down..nope. Well moonless was the night and as I got closer to the time at which I had calculated I would be getting to Vegas I thought to myself "self the moon looks like it is going to rise nicely tonight" followed by "wow the moon sure is bright on the horizon".  It wasn't for a few minutes but I came too realize that that ain't no moon its the city slowly making an entrance as it were into my cognition. WOW very nifty it was.  So as I approached the steadily rising "moon" I was struck by the City that gonna set my heart on fire. 
    I pulled into the seedy part of town knowing full well the balance of comfort, safety and cost ignoring the first two right off the bat I found a greasy spoon with 35$ rooms. Let me offer you a word about 35$ rooms you get the strange and almost tangible feeling that unholy things have been carried out in the space you pay for. At-least the cheap places make no bones about it unlike the expensive ones that make sure you don't know what happened but non-the-less it did. (sorry that was gross) I decided after settling in and taking a shower that I would walk around at 11pm on a monday "what kind of trouble awaits" and this is where I shall leave you till the next installment which won't take as long as these two I promise!

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