Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year

Fresh on the page of my notebook are the two columns that make up my resolutions for the work that is ahead of me in this next year. In the first are those things that need tuning up in my personal life such as exercising more which includes starting the practice of yoga, something that I preach people to do but as of yet have not made part of my daily or weekly life. The second are my musical resolutions such as writing one new song, learning one new song and the practice of scales on a daily and weekly basis.
Discipline is the operative word for this year. Looking forward there are some amazing opportunities that are out there and buckling down my ethic, harnessing it to the things that came into my life in the last year, will be my challenge. In the past I have at times felt like Sisyphus in my imaginary uphill battle with self-discipline and this year I think a flat spot is up ahead.
In conclusion I will say that the events that lay before me this day include a tangible reminder of what self-control can and should be namely fiberglass insulation. I will now try my best not to touch my face or other exposed skin as I install the last of the itchy sound-proofing material in a studio that will help me and the many other very talented musicians/ writers/ producers fulfill all of our New Year's Resolutions. I pray that you will also attain the best that you can be in this next year.

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