Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jamaica, Farewell.

Waking up to a broken computer, the tool of my connectivity, so very necessary for the 3 month odyssey that I was only a week into on top of the hangover and stolen joint that was to be my cure for said angry head drove me to make the only rational decision that I could make... head for the airport and get back to an apple store asp! So that's what I set out to do.
I packed my things and headed out to the main road in front of the hotel with my bags and the bottle of rum that I smuggled out of the resort... ( at the all inclusives you can basically just order bottles to your room so I availed myself of one in the hopes that I might give it to some poor local who could use it for trade... I know I'm such a Robin Hood) I walked back over to the shack where I was swindled out of some cash, looking for a taxi and a local to give the bottle to. Well that was kinda futile but I did scope out a nice piece of property that may or may not need a carpenter to help build up a nice lodge and night club :) I'm always on the lookout for such barter-type situations.
To make a long story short without the computer I didn't know what time the flights were running out of Montego Bay and since my ticket was actually for Sunday morning and this was saturday and I in my fuzzy logic was sure that I could catch a flight (as if this was JFK in NYC) and so took the beautifully scenic ride... Well much to my dismay I missed the last flight by 20 minutes my cell phone was running out of battery and I couldn't find my charger... and... the kiosk didn't have the kind I needed... and... and... and... well I called up the taxi driver who had thankfully given my his card. He picked me up and after explaining my predicament swung me over to the nicest little hotel that he brings his "women" to :)
I ate fried chicken for dinner and then laid in bed with the fuzzy flat screen TV on and waited for morning and my 9am flight.
To my surprise there was another guest from the wedding at the airport and so she and I talked and talked till it was time to board hoping we might grab some seats next to each other or at the least convince another adjacent passenger to give a seat and swap.. well I got on to find someone in my seat! Turned out to be the one and only Jorma Kaukonen of the famed Hot Tuna, Jefferson Starship!!!
Got to chat with him a bit about learning the blues in a Christian home and the pitfalls of life on the road. I think I might just take him up on his offer and swing by the Fur Peace Ranch on the way back east.

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