Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Miraclest Milestone

Mondays what sort of things really happen on Mondays besides the return to the rattle and hum of those excess cells you've been carrying around in your brain all weekend for no good reason other than its what affords you your free time, that is unless you're in Vegas on a Monday. I left my bunker at the Downtowner motel and headed for the gold-rush of that casino with the big screen over the walkway thing (I'm a real stickler for names), and walked and walked and walked unbeknownst to me it was a good 4 miles to "the" strip we all know as "Vegas". Yeah I walked it in my Clarks slip ons and I had the friction wounds the next day to prove it, but did I care? of course not I was in Vegas and I was supposed to leave all that grumbling there and never tell you that I did that, but now I did so there! 
    Back to walking; once on the strip I started stopping into random casinos and playing video poker for the free beer slowly and increasingly inebriated-ly I made my way towards the tall ones (again the names thing) and once I did and had my fill of watching tourists gawk at the absurdity and excess of it all I asked a scantly clad hostess where one finds fun on a Monday "down the miracle mile" she said in that Hawaiian Tropic kind of pronunciation old men go weak in the knees over. Off I went not wanting to get too close to her spray tan and flammable hair. The destination was some sports bar called Cheerleaders for beer pong for which I arrived right on cue to jump in the next game with the servers and bartenders as they closed the place down. Me being the decidedly the contestant from the farthest away cause quite a stir when I preceded to school them all in a little game we call Beruit back there in New Jersey(at least when I learned). They were defenseless to my no look fade away from 10 feet. Sorry I am getting carried away, I played for too long and went home to sleep at a very unreasonable hour considering I had to be out by 11 am from the motel. Home safe I made my plans for the drive to LA that will carry my words on the next yarn.....


BMB said...

Becca would be so proud of you for schooling all those west coasters.

laura.mccrone said...
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