Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Shoes in the Dark, Computer on the Floor...

My good friends got married down in Jamaica March 8th so naturally I had to fly down and join in the festivities. However being a musician on the road I could not afford the all inclusive resort for lodging so when I got off the plane at 9pm in Montego Bay I grabbed the JUTA bus over to Negril with a word from the driver that he knew where I was staying... well turns out he didn't so there was a bit of a kerfuffle with me as the loner passenger in a very large bus with the driver and his girlfriend whipping back and forth up and down the main drag looking for a newly renamed hotel :) We found it, I dropped off my luggage and hid my valuables around the room and decided to go find a beer... which turned into me getting hustled by a couple locals for a couple drinks and a very small amount ganja for 60$. I was duped but it was fun learning where the line of tourist and savvy traveler met. The main dude I eventually had to run off as he didn't believe that I was a poor working musician that didn't have a never-ending wallet of American cash...
That was Thursday and Friday brought some new adventures.. mainly getting over to Sandals and the wedding party to hang out in the pool with rum and water slides. The ceremony was beautiful at sunset just like something out of a modern fairy-tale and the reception quickly turned into a killer dance party that had spurts of dancing and minutes of catching my breathe out under the amazing black blanket of stars on the beach. Naturally we all danced till 2 am in the dance club after the reception which lead up to the time I had to "check out" of the all-inclusive and head back over to my hotel 3 miles away. I had been wearing a great pair of "sandal slippers" kinda like Sanuks and decided in my inebriated state to forgo a taxi and walk the three miles which turned into bare feet... about a mile down the road side I chose to walk there was a gully that I dipped down into which wasn't lit by the street lamps that were behind and before me by at least a hundred yards. Needless to say I lost one slipper in a puddle and then in the search to find the first I lost the second and without a flashlight handy I was now shoeless 2 miles away from my bed... I made it home fine but found that the cleaning crew had removed the refrigerator (which I wasn't using anyway) and the 10$ joint I had been hustled for the night before...
I laid down in bed and facebooked a bit falling asleep with the computer on my bed only to wake up the next morning to hear it fall onto the tile floor beside the bed...  I just wanted to go home to America so right then and there a new adventure began...

to be continued....

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