Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Tour 2013

There is a mad dash that one gets involved in when you bite off more than you can chew... which for me means getting tangled up in sprinting for the finish line all the time. I began the planning for this spring tour back in November as I was volunteering down in the wonderful town of Sea Bright after Sandy had blow things to bits. There was a moment then when I was contemplating hanging up the guitar for an indeterminate amount to time so as to help with the rebuilding of the Jersey Shore. I quickly figured out that I could still do both as the bureaucracy that funnels money down to "we the people" takes months so that by the time I reach home there will be lots and lots of work to take up my time.

    Friday the 1st of March I performed at "The Big Board" in Washington D.C. at 9 in the evening the events that lead up to that point are as follows to the best of my ability. Thursday I was completing the tables that you see in the photograph (top right), one of which was quite large (11'x36") and had to be delivered to a bar in NYC before I could hit the road. My father and I loaded up a rented truck with the 5 tables and some gear and headed in at 1am... by 5am the tables were installed (along with raising the bench you see the in the left side of the same shot up top). Then it was home again to grab a quick 2 hour nap to then go finish another job which didn't land me packing for my three month voyage until 3 in the afternoon t-minus 6 hours till gig in DC :-)
I then proceeded with the help of all present to literally throw things into the truck that I might need while on the road... everything from soldering irons, spare screws and tools to bedding, books and extra guitar strings.... the only thing I know I've forgotten at the moment is the keyboard stand I use for my merch table... 
I did manage to make it down route 95 to DC with enough time to grab a parking spot load in and start playing by my scheduled time! 
I will post stories from everyday of the tour so please check back every day for your daily dose of vicarious yarn. 


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