Saturday, March 23, 2013

The First Long Haul...

After an epic night of playing music and drinking beer without eating dinner (Hi Mom :), on H Street in NE D.C. .. I woke up with 2 dogs staring me in the face! My host was still asleep and I was hungover enough that I stumbled out and started up my tour wagon in search of Rt 95 and a big breakfast so as to confuse my liver with fat and get it off the alcohol.
Just across and into Virginia I found my salvation in the form of 11 yellow squares proclaiming to be an abode of fried carbohydrates. Naturally I pulled in and found a seat at the counter and got my black coffee and a picture menu and set out to find out which combination of food items would sooth my angry stomach. The remedy would also serve as fuel for the 9+ hour drive down to South Carolina and my gig at Handley's Pub & Grub.  The two lovely ladies sitting next to me at the counter struck up some small talk, they were headed for Charlotte and the big NCAA Basketball weekend there... apparently all the big club promoters throw epic parties. Made some new friends and linked up on Instagram... 
95 gets a bad rap north of the Mason Dixon but it's pretty clear sailing once you get down into the heart of the South. That in mind I found my way down through all the pine forests and sandy ground to my friend's lovely home just south of Myrtle Beach with enough time to shower and take a nap... a nap that  almost launched me into missing the gig :) I woke up with 30 mins to get there and get set up! Close call. 
The highlight of the night was having my good friend and singer Diane sit in and sing "Jackson" to close out the night. 

I want to post some photos from the adventures.. but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me... I will investigate and update as soon as possible... stay tuned. 

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